Filling trademark application in Cambodia


Under current law and practice of Cambodia, Trademark Office accepts single-class applications.

Please be advised that general description and/or class heading is no longer allowable.

For example if client would like to file a trademark application for class 25, the applicant should specify “clothing, footwear, headgear” in class 25 into specific item of goods, preferably correlative to the Nice classification 10thedition, for examples, “clothing, footwear, headgear, namely T-shirt, coat, vest, shoes, hat, stocks ect.”.

Please further note that there is no limitation of number of goods claimed in each class and no additional cost for the listed goods is charged.

Under the Cambodian law, it is noted that the mark must be used in conformity with the registered form. In case of any modification of mark sample, such must be recorded with the Registry.

Accordingly, the use of a registered mark in stylized form may not be considered as use of the mark in plain block letters while the use in color form can be accepted as use of the mark in black and white under local practice.

Please also note that one general Power of Attorney (POA) can be used for many applications of the same applicant. Applicant can send us a copy of POA for our action first, the original one shall be submitted later on.