Home Intellectual Property Register trademark in Vietnam

Register trademark in Vietnam

Enquiry for cost estimation of trademark application

Question: We would like to have a quotation of the costs from your firm, and also a latest schedule of charges of the trademark affaires you handle. Answer: Concerning the subject matter, as one of the leading Vietnamese law firms, we are capable of assisting you with handling all IP matters...

Power of attorney for filling trademark in Vietnam

In order to file trademark in Vietnam, owner of trademark has to provide the Power of Attorney for us.
Housing Law of Viet Nam

What is trade mark?

Under Vietnam IP Law, trade mark means any sign, design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. The trade mark owner can be an organization or individual or any legal entity.

Vietnam Trademark Law Firm

As one of the leading Vietnamese trademark law firms, we are capable of assisting you with handling all IP matters in Vietnam in an efficient and cost-competitive manner.

SBLAW FIRM has been recommended in the Intellectual property areas by The Legal 500

SBLAW FIRM has been recommended in the Intellectual property areas by The Legal 500.

Intellectual property protection

Question: What do I need to carefully considered intellectual property protection?
Register Brandstrademark in Vietnam

Register Brands/trademark in Vietnam

SBLAW would like to give you the details of trademark registration in Vietnam as follows: Conducting trademark search (not required): Before filing application for trademark registration, in order to assure that your trademark is not identical or confusingly similar to the protected trademark in Vietnam, you should conduct a search for...
Trademark Registration – Vietnam

(Q&A) Trademark Registration – Vietnam

Q: We would like to get a quotation from your firm, for the filing of a trademark. Kindly advice the estimated cost for our preliminary consideration. A: Thank you very much for your email regarding the subject matter. As one of the leading Vietnamese law firms, we are capable of...

Inquiry of transference of a right of trademark registration in Vietnam

Question: Our company is considering to transfer a right of Vietnam trademark registration to other company in Japan. Please provide us with your estimated costs and necessary documents. Answer: Regarding your enquiries concerning the subject matter, we would like to advise you on the procedure and our fee schedule for recordal...

Trademark for software startup company

Question: We are an international enterprise software startup wishing to file for trademark application in Vietnam. Would you kindly email me your total cost for doing so? Thank you.