Exchange business information among government agencies shall be more effective!

National Business Registration Portal

On February 23, 2016, Ministry of Planning and Investment and Ministry of Finance coordinated to enact a Joint Circular No.01/2016/TTLT-BKHĐT-BTC which conducts the exchange of enterprise information between National Business Registration Portal and Tax Information System. This Joint Circular, which is applied to Tax Directorate, Business Registration Administration Department, Tax Department, District Tax Department, Business Registration Administration Division and others, took effect in April 15, 2016.

According to the Circular, electronic network connecting two above systems is the fundamental method to exchange enterprise information among government agencies. Futhermore, the circular specifies the role and function of focal point agencies as follows:  Tax Directorate and Business Registration Administration Department for the national level; Tax Department, District Tax Department and Business Registration Administration Division for the local level.

The most important feature of this circular is that it details the exchange procedures among Business Registration agencies and Tax agencies about the following types of information: shared catalog system, business establishment and subordinate units operation registration information, alternating registration information in registration forms, Information on operation of enterprise and those subordinate agencies as well as Information of Financial Report.

For further details about Circular No.01/2016/TTLT-BKHĐT-BTC, you can click on this link: 01_2016_TTLT-BKHDT-BTC