Set up branch documents and procedures

Question: What law should I notice when I want to setup branches?


You should notice following documents and law:

Notification of  branching (form Appendix II-8 Circular No. 01/2013 / TT-BKHDT 21.1.2013 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment guiding the business registration).

Decision in writing and a copy of the minutes of the Council meeting for members of a limited liability company with two members or more, the company’s owner or council member or chairman of the company for the company limited a member of the Board of Directors of a joint stock company, the general partner of the partnership for the establishment of branches.

A valid copy of the decision to appoint the head of the branch.

A valid copy of the personal identification papers as stipulated in Article 24 of Decree No. 43/2010 / ND-CP of the Government dated 15/04/2010 of business registration of a branch head.

A copy of a valid certificate of investment / investment license of the company.

A copy of the Company’s Charter.

For business branch lines must have a practicing certificate, a copy must be valid practicing certificate from the head of the individual branch or other prescribed by specialized law.

Written authorization of the Company to perform individual applicants, the results in the case of legal representative of the company does not directly apply, collecting (when paid and received individual results must produce the identity card / passport / personal Identification, legal).