Amount of domestic adoption registration fee is vnd 400,000/case


On July 08, 2017, the Government issued the Decree No. 114/2016/ND-CP on  adoption  registration  fees,  fees  for issuance of operation licenses of inter-country adoption agencies.

In  accordance  with  the  Decree,  amount  of  domestic adoption registration fee:  VND  400,000/case; amount of adoption registration fee collected from Vietnamese people residing in foreign countries or foreigners permanently residing in foreign countries that adopt children being Vietnam nationals: VND 9.000.000/case; amount of fee collected from foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam that  adopt  children  being  Vietnamese  nationals:  VND 4.500.000/case; amount of  fee  collected from  foreigners residing in border regions of neighbor countries that adopt Vietnamese children permanently residing in such border regions: VND 4.500.000/case; amount of adoption registration   fee   at   Vietnam’s   overseas   representative bodies: USD 150/case. The above fee shall be converted into the receiving country’s currency according to the selling rate of USD announced by a bank where the Vietnam’s overseas representative bodies open its account.

Additionally, domestic adoption registration fees shall be exempted when a stepfather or stepmother adopts a stepchild of his/her spouse; or an aunt or uncle adopts a niece or  nephew; a person adopts one of  the following children: Disabled children, HIV/AIDS infected children or children suffering fatal disease/illness as prescribed in the Law on adoption and guiding documents; and a person with meritorious services to the revolution adopts a child.

Besides, the inter-country adoption registration fees shall be deducted in the case such as: a reduction of 50% in inter-country adoption registration fee shall apply to a stepfather or stepmother that adopts a stepchild of his/her spouse or an aunt or uncle that adopts a niece or nephew; in case of simultaneously multiple adoptions of biological brothers/sisters,   a   reduction   of   50%   in   inter-country adoption fee shall apply to each of children excluding the first child.

This Decree takes effect on January 01, 2017.