“Home healthcare service provider” is one of activities of medical service facility according to the Decree No. 109/2016/ND-CP on issuance of operating license for practitioner and operation license for medical examination and treatment facilities, amended and supplemetned by Decree 155/2018/ND-CP. Accordingly, to conduct Home Health Care Service, service providers need to satisfy the following conditions:

1. Conditions for issuance of operation licenses to “Home healthcare service provider”

Pursuant to Decree 155/2018/ND-CP, Home healthcare service provider provides home healthcare services such as dressing change, suture removal, physical therapy, rehabilitation, mother and baby care, collection of blood samples for testing, result provision, care of patients with cancer and other home nursing services at home must meet the following conditions:

1.1. Facilities: Having a fixed location

1.2. Medical equipment: Having sufficient medical equipment and instruments suitable to the practice scope.Sổ tay ăn dặm | Mèo phong thuỷ | Bảo Châu Sport 

1.3. Personnel:

  1. The chief physician must have an intermediate or higher degree in medicine and a practice certificate. Also, he/she must have provided medical examination and treatment for at least 45 months’
  2. Aside from the chief physician, other practitioners working in the health facility must have practice certificates and shall only provide medical examination and treatment within the assigned practice scope. The chief physician of the health facility shall assign the practitioners in writing to undertake the specialized tasks based on the practice scope, qualifications and certificates of training and the potential of such practitioners;
  3. Other entities that participate in the provision of medical examination and treatment but are not required to obtain practice certificates according to the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment must be allowed to perform the tasks assigned by the chief physician (medical physicists, radiation physicians, speech therapists, psychotherapists and other entities). Such entities must be assigned tasks which are suitable to their specialized qualifications;
  4. Working on a full-time basis at the facility.

1.4. Scope of professional activities:

Perform professional techniques according to the list approved by the Director of the Department of Health.

2. Application documents for issuance of operation licenses for type of service “Home healthcare service provider”

  1. The application form;
  2. Enterprise Registration Certificate, applicable to private healthcare facilities, or Investment Registration Certificate, applicable to foreign-invested healthcare facilities;
  3. Valid copies of practice certificates of chief physicians of the healthcare facilities; persons taking charge of professional department of the healthcare facility;
  4. List of registered practitioners at medical examination and treatment facility (including registration of practitioners and others working in medical profession at the facility but not need the issuance of practice certificates);
  5. A declaration of physical facilities, medical equipment, organization and personnel of the medical examination and treatment facility;
  6. Documents proving that the healthcare facility satisfies the requirements for facilities, medical equipment and organization suitable for the practice scope;
  7. A professional and technical list proposed by the healthcare facility on the basis of the professional and technical list issued by the Ministry of Health.

3. Licensing Authority: The Department of Health where the home healthcare service facility is located.

4. Licensing period: within 45-90 working days from the date The Department of Health received complete and valid dossier.