Power of attorney for filling trademark in Vietnam
In order to file trademark in Vietnam, owner of trademark has to provide the Power of Attorney for us.
Vietnam Trademark Law Firm
As one of the leading Vietnamese trademark law firms, we are capable of assisting you with handling all IP matters in Vietnam in an efficient and cost-competitive manner.
(Q&A) Trademark Registration – Vietnam
Q: We would like to get a quotation from your firm, for the filing of a trademark. Kindly advice the estimated cost for our preliminary consideration.
A: Thank you very much for your email regarding the subject matter. As one of the leading Vietnamese law firms, we are capable of...
Registering a trademark in Vietnam
Question: I would like to ask for more details on registering a trademark in Vietnam.
- What are the procedures needed?
- Can a foreign individual / entity register a trademark in Vietnam?
- How long is the process?
- How much will it cost?
Answers: Regarding your enquiries concerning the subject matter, we...
Vietnam Trademark Registration Procedure
1.The official fee for registering Vietnam trademark
Intellectual property protection
Question: What do I need to carefully considered intellectual property protection?
Opposition procedure of trademark at NOIP
Since the applied trademark under the application is confusingly similar to your trademark, you could file an opposition against the said trademark at National Office of Intellectual Property in Vietnam (NOIP).
Brand name registration in Vietnam
SBLAW would like to provide you the guide for brand name registration in Vietnam as follows:
In Vietnam, multi-class application is applicable. The basic fees are calculated based on the number of class of goods/services (G/S) in each application as well as the number of products designated in each class in the application.
Company trademark for new project
Question: Dear Sir, We recently signed a new project name in HCMC, however we wish to have your advice if it is necessary for us to register:
- Compnay Project Trademark in VN; and
- Company Project Saigon brand in VN for copyright.