Opposition procedure of trademark at NOIP


Since the applied trademark under the application is confusingly similar to your trademark, you could file an opposition against the said trademark at National Office of Intellectual Property in Vietnam (NOIP).

NOIP will consider and settle the opposition within 12-14 months from the date of receiving the opposition.

Necessary documents for taking the above mentioned action.

In order to take the above mentioned action, please provide with us the following documents and information.

–         03 notarized and legalized POA (please see the attached file);

–         03 notarized and legalized documents proving the position of your legal representative who signed in the POA;

–         03 notarized and legalized certificates of international registrations of your trademarks;

–         03 pictures of products bearing the infringement element of infringer;

–         03 pictures of your products bearing your trademark;

–         03 sample of products bearing the infringement element of infringer;

–         The information of infringer (Name and address);