What is difference between Certificate of Investment Registration and Certificate of Enterprise Registration?


Question: We are foreign invested company and established on 2011, we were granted the certificate of Investment registration, now, we would like to amend the content of this document, but in new law, they mentioned the Certificate of enterprise registration, what is the difference between them?

Answer: In November 2014, the National Assembly of Vietnam adopted new law on Investment and Enterprise. These laws became effective from the 1st July 2015.


Under the above mentioned Investment Law and Enterprise Law, foreign invested company such as FDI company shall have two licenses:


+ Certificate of Investment Registration: In this license, information of investor, place for implementation of investment project, scale and objective of project shall be recorded.


+ Certificate of Enterprise Registration: In this license, information of Company’s shareholder; legal representative, name of the company, head office address shall be recorded.


All Foreign Invested Company established before the 1st July 2015 (including your company) were granted the Investment Certificate which combines


  • Certificate of Investment Registration and
  • Certificate of Enterprise Registration.


Then, under the new law, such Investment Certificate must be separated into Certificate of Investment Registration and Certificate of Enterprise Registration. This requirement shall be imposed upon the company requests for amendment of its Investment Certificate.


Upon separating the Investment Certificate into Certificate of Investment Registration and Certificate of Enterprise Registration, your company shall be granted the Code of Investment Project and Code of Enterprise. Then, the current seal sample shall be replaced with new one with new information.