Perform a due diligence

Quotation for Work Permit and Resident Card Service

Investor: We are in the midst of doing a corporate exercise, and we need your assistance to perform a due diligence on our company entity in Vietnam.



Following works are proposed based on the request of Client. However, depending on the specific position/situation of Client, several work items may not be necessary.

Meanwhile, other works may be required. S&B Law shall immediately advise Client the same upon review documents of the case. However, any additional works shall not fall under the scope of this Engagement Letter, but could be provided upon request.

We estimate that it shall take us about 15 working hours to complete the due diligence to accomplish information as required by Client in the Annexure 1 of this Proposal. We shall advise you in case the actual amount of work required by S&B Law exceeds our initial estimate, SBLaw will advise of any possible excess such estimate before commencing such additional works.


The Deliverables will include documents prepared in English.