Register Brands/trademark in Vietnam

Register Brandstrademark in Vietnam

SBLAW would like to give you the details of trademark registration in Vietnam as follows:

  1. Conducting trademark search (not required):

Before filing application for trademark registration, in order to assure that your trademark is not identical or confusingly similar to the protected trademark in Vietnam, you should conduct a search for registration possibility of your trademark by the trademark database of Vietnam.

  • The fee and time frame for trademark search are as follows:
Time frame 3-4 working days
Cost US$ 50/ one mark/each class
  • Necessary document:

–    A sample of trademark that you wish to register;

–          List of goods/services covering the mark.

  1. Filing application for registering trademark

From the search result, if it reveals that your mark is registrable, you should proceed immediately with filing application to get the priority date.

  • Necessary documents:

(i) Power of Attorney (POA) (our form of POA is attached hereto for your kind reference).

(ii) List of goods/services covering the trademark, we will help you classify these things.

(iii) Twenty (20) samples of mark in case the mark is in color. If the mark is merely word mark in black and white, we will produce specimens ourselves (size 8cm x 8cm).

  •  Filing and registration fee (nearly 182 USD):

As this fee depends on the number of goods/services in each class, we hereby only provide you with the estimated cost for registering a trademark in one class (maximum 6 items of good/services), details as follows:



Official charge (US$) Agency fee (US$)
1 Filing application for registration of a trademark for the first class (maximum 6 items of goods/services) 40.00 85.00
Additional charge for each class from the second one (if any). 33.00 70.00
– Additional charge for each item of good or service from 7th in each class (if any) 7.00 2.40
2 Registration & granting TM Certificate 22.00 35.00
Addition charge for each class of goods and services from the second one. 6.10 10.00
Total for registering an application in one class (maximum 6 items of goods/services) 182.00

Kindly note that the above cost is exclusive of 5 % from our agency fee, translation fee.

The above cost is applied for straight-forward case of trademark registration. If your trademark application is refused to protect, the appeal fee or responding fee to Official Action (if any) will depend on the complication of the case.

  • Procedure and registration requirements: 12 months as stipulated by the law.