Vietnam trademark search


Question: Please provide us with your search report to whether the above trademarks are able to be registered in International Classes 03, 05, and 35 in Vietnam.

We appreciate you to be informed about detailed information including application or registration number, applicant, owner, class, goods, etc.

Meanwhile, please provide us with your estimated costs before conducting trademark search.

Answer: As a intellectual property agent in Vietnam, SBLAW is conducting the trademark search and the result shall be available within 2-3 days.

Our search report provides detailed information including application or registration number, applicant, owner, class, goods, etc.

Regarding the estimated fee for the search, the quotation is $US45/01 class. Therefore, the fee for conducting two trademarks for 03 classes is: 2*$US45*3 + $US25 (Actual communication fee) + 13.5 (5%VAT) + $US20 (Bank charge) = $US328.5.