Home Taxation in Vietnam

Taxation in Vietnam

Property Tax in Vietnam

Land in Vietnam is owned by the State, meaning that users of land are required to acquire or rent land use rights from the government.

Import of playing cards – taxes”

Question: Hi I am importing playing cards for casino. May I know how much is the taxes charges. Custom taxes Sales tax Special sales tax is there vat on the above please let me know Answer: Under Vietnam Law, playing card shall subject to following tax: - Import duty: Depending on origin of goods and HS Code applicable...

Corporate Income Tax in Vietnam applied for foreign company

We would like to provide you with infomation about the Cooperate Income Tax (CIT) in Vietnam as follows:

Personal Income Tax (’PIT’) in Vietnam

We would like to inform you some information about Vietnam PIT as follows:
Land Tax for Foreign Contractor in Vietnam

Land Tax for Foreign Contractor in Vietnam

The rental of land use rights by foreign contactor (FC) is in effect a form of property tax rather than land tax. It is usually known as land rental and the range of rates is wide depending upon the location, infrastructure and the industrial sector in which the business is...

Amount of domestic adoption registration fee is vnd 400,000/case

On July 08, 2017, the Government issued the Decree No. 114/2016/ND-CP on  adoption  registration  fees,  fees  for issuance of operation licenses of inter-country adoption agencies. In  accordance  with  the  Decree,  amount  of  domestic adoption registration fee:  VND  400,000/case; amount of adoption registration fee collected from Vietnamese people residing in foreign...
FDI company in Vietnam

Tax for FDI company in Vietnam

Regarding to tax, after setting up the company, FDI company shall have to pay following tax: - Business License Tax: It is from 50USD-150USD/one year. Tax Rate shall very much depend on investment capital amount registered by your Company in Vietnam. - Corporate Income Tax: From 20-22% of profit of your...
Value Added Tax for foreign contactor (VAT)

Value Added Tax for foreign contactor (VAT)

 Foreign contractor (FC) is entitled to choose one of two incorporate tax regimes available under Vietnam Law., i.e. (i) Paying Value Added Tax according to declared revenue and expense which is similar to tax regime applicable to domestic enterprises and (ii) Paying Value Added Tax according to fixed rates...
Withholding tax in Vietnam

Q&A: Withholding tax in Vietnam

Q: What does the term "Withholding tax" mean in practice?  I.e. which are the consequences of this? A: Withholding tax in practice shall mean Corporate Income Tax and Value Added Tax applicable to foreign company not having representation in Vietnam. For real estate management service, the VAT applicable to foreign company not having...

Audit and Accounting for Vietnam company

Foreign-invested business entities are generally required to adopt the Vietnamese Accounting System (’VAS’).