Home Taxation in Vietnam

Taxation in Vietnam

Law on Credit institutions of Vietnam 2010

Tax Incentives in Vietnam

SBLaw would like to provide some information about Tax Incentives in Vietnam as follows:

Tax holiday in Vietnam

Under Vietnam Law, tax incentives are granted based on regulated encouraged sectors and difficult socio-economic locations.
Land Tax for Foreign Contractor in Vietnam

Land Tax for Foreign Contractor in Vietnam

The rental of land use rights by foreign contactor (FC) is in effect a form of property tax rather than land tax. It is usually known as land rental and the range of rates is wide depending upon the location, infrastructure and the industrial sector in which the business is...

Amount of domestic adoption registration fee is vnd 400,000/case

On July 08, 2017, the Government issued the Decree No. 114/2016/ND-CP on  adoption  registration  fees,  fees  for issuance of operation licenses of inter-country adoption agencies. In  accordance  with  the  Decree,  amount  of  domestic adoption registration fee:  VND  400,000/case; amount of adoption registration fee collected from Vietnamese people residing in foreign...

Other liabilities of company to be complied during operation.

After receiving the Investment Certificate, the FDI company should consider the following liabilities of company to be complied during operation. 1 Taxation: Under the Vietnam Law, following taxes may affect to the Company and foreigner working for the Company in Vietnam: -  Corporate Income Tax which is levied on the taxable...

Double Tax in Vietnam

The withholding taxes in the table be affected by relevant DTAs. For example, the deemed CIT on foreign contractors may be eliminated or reduced through a relevant DTA.

Corporate Income Tax in Vietnam applied for foreign company

We would like to provide you with infomation about the Cooperate Income Tax (CIT) in Vietnam as follows:
Law on commercial arbitration

Tax Losses in Vietnam

SBLAW would like to provide some legal regulation about tax Losses in Vietnam as follows:

Property Tax in Vietnam

Land in Vietnam is owned by the State, meaning that users of land are required to acquire or rent land use rights from the government.
PTI, taxation in vietnam

Personal Income Tax Rate applicable for resident tax payer in Vietnam.

Question: How to calculate the Personal Income Tax Rate applicable for resident tax payer in Vietnam?   Answer: SBLAW would like to brief the progressive Personal Income Tax Rate applicable for resident tax payer in Vietnam as follows:   Income (A)                        ...