Investment in Vietnam

oint venture business in Vietnam

Foreign investor: Dear Sirs,

We are an international greeting cards publisher with printing facilities in Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

We want to expand our business in Vietnam and set up another printing company for world wide export of paperproducts and greeting cards.

Maybe you are interested to support us.

Lawyer of SBLAW:Please be introduced that I am Corporate Lawyer of SB Law. I was entrusted to assist you regarding establishment of company in Vietnam.

We understand that you are an international greeting cards with printing facilities in Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

You are now planning to expand your business in Vietnam and setup a printing company for world wide export of paperproducts and greeting cards.

Under Vietnam Law, foreign investor can establish a foreign invested company (FIC) under the form of (i) wholly foreign invested company or (ii) joint venture company to conduct business for making profit purpose.

The establishment of FIC in Vietnam shall require an Investment Certificate (IC) from the Licensing Authorities. IC can be considered as License for incorporation of FIC under Vietnam Law which clearly record FIC’s Owner, Charter Capital, Investment Capital, Scope of Business etc..

Time for obtaining IC in Vietnam shall be from 20 working days to 45 working days.

If the FIC operates in conditional sectors such as trading, advertisement, banking etc, it may take longer. Regarding to the business of printing, under Vietnam Law there is no ban and/or restriction on foreign investors setting up printing company in Vietnam.

However, in fact, printing service is generally considered as a sensitive sector. According to our practical experience in previous cases, licensing authorities seem cautiuos on their approach to application for establishment of FIC with printing activities.

Thus, in order to estimate success possibility of the case, we highly appreciate if you could advise us some preliminary information as follows:

– Where do you intend to locate the printing company in Vietnam? We would like to note that, with printing services, you must lease a land lot or printing facilities from either of Licensing Authorities or Export Processing Park or Industrial Park etc. Location of the company may affect possibility of establishment of the FIC.

– What is the scope of land lot or printing facilities to be leased for setting up the FIC?

– Could you further clarify on the term of “Paper Products” as mentioned in your email? We highly appreciate if you could list Paper Products to be produced by the Printing company in Vietnam?

– What is the charter capital to be injected in to the Company in Vietnam? We would like to note that, Vietnam Law does not require for any minimum capital amount to be inject into printing company in Vietnam. The Charter Capital must be fully contributed by the Owner within 90 days from granting date of IC (for Joint Stock Company) or 36 months from granting date of IC (for Limited Liability Company).

Upon receipt of your information, we shall provide you our detailed legal service proposal. If you have any further inquiry, please feel free to contact us.