Q&A: Rent out the factory in Vietnam

Rent out the factory in Vietnam

Q: Our company has already a factory in Vietnam and we have a small spare space.

One another company wants to use the space after setting up a company.

The factory owner already agree on that. The business item is mobile phone parts manufacturer.

Is this feasible?

A: It shall be only possible for your company to rent out the factory if your company has paid the whole land lease fee at one time and it has registered the business line of real estate services.

If your company paid land lease fee on annual basis, it is impossible for your company to lease out the factory. T

This change was made from December 2014. I am not sure whether the competent authority in Vietnam is aware of this matter or not.

At presence, the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment is now reconsidering this matter.

If your Company locates in Hanoi, the answer shall be no, except that it has registered the business line of real estate services before July 2013.