This is a part of the Joint-Circular No. 24/2015/TTLT-BYT-BGTVT dated August 21, 2015 of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transport on the Regulations on health standards for drivers, medical facilities for checking up driver’s health.

Specifically, health standards for the driver driving vehicles of category A1 are as follows: the driver mustn’t have less than 4/10 vision, even with glasses; the driver doesn’t suffer from color blindness and can distinguish red, yellow and green colors, and doesn’t have mental and physical disabilities; the driver doesn’t use drugs that exceed the legal alcohol intake limit from driving…..

For the driver driving vehicles of category B1, the driver must not have less than 5/10 vision even with glasses; can distinguish red, yellow and green colors; mustn’t have

mental and physical disabilities or get paraplegia; get dizzy due to pathological causes; 01 hand or 01 foot are lopped and one of the remaining limbs is intact; mustn’t use drugs that exceed the legal alcohol intake limit from driving…

For the driver driving vehicles of category A2, A3, A4, B2, C, D, E, FB2, FC, FD, FE, regulations on health standards are more severe. Specifically, the driver’s vision is not less than 8/10 vision for good eye and not less than 5/10 for poor eye; the drivers are not suffered from refractive errors with the +5 diopter glass and over -8 diopter; can distinguish red, yellow and green colors; doesn’t get amblyopia at nightfall; doesn’t get acute psychotic disorder, epilepsy, heart transplant; mustn’t use drugs that exceed the legal alcohol intake limit from driving…

This Joint-Circular takes effect on October 10, 2015.