Renewal and recordal of change of address of trademark in Vietnam
Renewal and recordal of change of address of trademark in Vietnam
Power of Attorney for registering trademark in Vietnam
Power of Attorney for registering trademark in Vietnam
Opposition procedure of trademark at NOIP
Since the applied trademark under the application is confusingly similar to your trademark, you could file an opposition against the said trademark at National Office of Intellectual Property in Vietnam (NOIP).
How to handle trademark infringement in Vietnam?
In order to settle the alleged action of infringer, you should take the following actions:
Vietnam Trademark Registration Procedure
1.The official fee for registering Vietnam trademark
Vietnam trademark protection.
As one of the leading Trademark Attorney Firms, SBLaw is capable of assisting you with protecting your trademark in Vietnam in an efficient and cost-competitive way.
Power of attorney for filling trademark in Vietnam
In order to file trademark in Vietnam, owner of trademark has to provide the Power of Attorney for us.
Vietnam Trademark
As the leading intellectual property law firm in Vietnam, SBLAW is capable of assisting you with handling all IP matters in Vietnam in an efficient and cost-competitive manner.
Vietnam Trademark Law Firm
As one of the leading Vietnamese trademark law firms, we are capable of assisting you with handling all IP matters in Vietnam in an efficient and cost-competitive manner.
What is trade mark?
Under Vietnam IP Law, trade mark means any sign, design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. The trade mark owner can be an organization or individual or any legal entity.