Preparation of Capital Transfer Agreement


This is with regards to your email from which you requested us to prepare Capital Transfer Agreement between you (hereinafter referred to as “Transferor”) and your partners (herein referred to as “Transferee or Transferees”).  Thus, we are pleased to present herewith our Legal Service Proposal for your kind reference.


Our provision of services shall be as follows:

Preparation of Capital Transfer Agreement under Vietnam Law in both of English and Vietnamese Version.

Explaining, clarifying if Client have any questions/ comments regarding the above  Capital Transfer Agreement;

Reviewing, revising and finalizing the drafted contract based on Client’s opinions (not exceeding 15 working hours to provide final version of the Capital Transfer Agreement), extra working hours shall be charges as per hourly rate.

With the above scope of work, we anticipate roadmap of services as follows:

– Step 1: We shall collect necessary information from Client. Upon receipt of required information, we shall study and assess legal matters to be noted during execution of the targeted transaction.

– Step 2: Based on our understanding of your goal and legal status of related parties, we shall review the drafted contract under the applicable law. We plan to complete preparation of the Capital Transfer Agreement within 05 working days from commencing date of the Service. The time duration does not include of required time for revising the drafted contract based on your comments.