Buying property in Vietnam


Question: My name is Henry Tran.  I was born in Vietnam, but have lived in the US for many years.  Right now, I only have US citizen, don’t have Vietnam citizen.  I want to ask, is it possible for Viet Kieu to buy residential property in Vietnam and put my own name on the title of the house? Are there any conditions that I need to pass in order to buy property in Vietnam and what are those conditions?  Your reply is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer:This is reference to your email below. Regarding to your question, we would like to confirm as follows:

Under Vietnam Law, foreigner can buy property in Vietnam. However, he/she must satisfy one of following conditions:


(i) Having directly invested in Vietnam or being employed by a Vietnam-based company for management purpose;


(ii) Getting married with Vietnam Citizenz;


(iii) Having great contribution to Vietnam and being honored by Vietnamese President;


(iv) Being working in important fields and have proper academic certificates or holding special knowledge and/or skill as required by Vietnam Government.


We do hope that the above information is helpful for you. If you have any further inquiry, please feel free to contact us.