Company registration and merchant account opening in Vietnam

Company registration and merchant account opening in Vietnam

Question: We are a USA-based company looking for registration of a new Company in Vietnam without personal involvement to process of registration.

The newly registered Vietnamese company will be used for setting up of a  merchant account in banks of Vietnam in order to start processing online transactions through Vietnamese banks.

Please advise, if SBLAW can register a company in Vietnam without our involvement and if you can help us to open a merchant account in the needed bank if we provide you the necessary contacts.

Answen: I am Lawyer of SB Law. I was entrusted to provide you legal advice on establishment of foreign owned company in Vietnam.

In order to support you on this matter, may I know what shall be the business activities of the New Company in Vietnam?

We would like to note that Vietnam Law does not accept Foreign Invested Company having no actual operation in Vietnam.

If you have any further inquiry, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.