Law services enquiry

Reasonable legal firm in Vietnam

Client: I work as Business Development Manager at Ltd Co, international telecommunication service provider and operator with headquarters in London, UK. We are provider of variety of voice, sms and ussd based services around the world.

Looking for telecommunication lawyers in Vietnam, I have found your contact info. We are interested in entering Vietnam telecommunication market and licensing with Ministry of Information and Communications as Service based operator. For this purpose we have to incorporate local company in Vietnam. Could your company assist us in this process and under what terms?

Lawyer: This is reference to your email from which, we were requested to provide legal advice on incorporation of foreign invested company in Vietnam.

We understand that you are interested in Vietnam telecommunication market and licensing with Ministry of Information and Communication as Service Based Operator.

We hereby would like to confirm that we can assist you in this matter.

In order to provide you an appropriate and detailed legal service proposal, could you answer several our questions below:

– Will you intend to own 100% local company in Vietnam or will you set up a joint venture company with a local partner in Vietnam?

– In case you wish to set up a joint venture company with a local partner in Vietnam, what is your proposed rate of capital in Joint Venture Company?

– What kind of telecommunications services to be provided by local company in Vietnam?

– Will you lease telecommunication network from other Licensed Facilities Based Operator(s) to provide telecommunication services to third parties or just resell telecommunication services of other Licensed Facilities Based Operator(s)?