To annul the planning licensing procedure for land-using investment projects


Not to require investors to carry out the planning licensing procedure.

Contents of the planning license must be shown right in the result of settlement of the procedure of approving the investment policy is the task that the Government emphasized at the Resolution No. 43/NQ-CP dated June 06, 2014 on a number of key tasks of reforming administrative procedures in the formation and implementation of land-using investment projects for improvement of the business environment.

Besides, the Government also annuls the procedure of investment registration or verification and grant of investment certificates for land-using investment projects not subject to conditional investment to replace the procedure of verification and grant of investment certificates in case of auction of land use rights or bidding for selection of investors to implement land-using investment projects and investors to implement investment projects on land under the use rights of investors with the procedure of investment registration with simple registration contents which only include information on investment projects;

To incorporate the approval contents of the procedures of investment registration and verification and grant of investment certificates into the approval contents of the procedure of approving the investment policy to become a uniform administrative procedure for land allocation or lease for implementation of investment projects not through auction or bidding. The result of settlement of this administrative procedure is the investment registration certificate.

To reform administrative procedures in the formation and implementation of land-using investment projects with the aims to improve the legal system on investment and ensure the effective enforcement of the Land Law; create a transparent, fair, open and favorable business environment;

Reduce at least 40% of the implementation time associated with cutting to the utmost administrative procedure compliance costs for investors of all economic sectors; heighten Vietnam’s rankings in the Ease of Doing Business Index and the Global Competitiveness Index; promote investment attraction and make contribution to corruption prevention and control and socio-economic development.

For bidding for selection of investors of land-using investment projects, to specify conditions for bidding for selection of investors of land-using investment projects, including: the project is on the list of bidding for selection of investors approved and announced under planning by competent authorities; the project is located in an area with approved detailed planning of 1:500 scale; the project is located in an area with approved compensation and support cost estimates;

And the project has its land use levy or land rental unit approved; to clearly and specifically provide constituents of the procedure of selection of investors of land-using investment projects and the result of settlement of this administrative procedure is the written approval of the result of investor selection, which must include the following contents: project name; name of investor/owner; form of investment; investment objectives; site of construction; project scale; land use area; land use boundary; planning and architectural norms such as land use coefficient, construction density, etc.; total investment of the project; land use levy/land rental unit; implementation time and schedule (divided into phases); funding sources; project management and operation plan; and investment incentives.

Pending the amendment, supplementation, replacement, annulment or cancellation of related provisions of laws and ordinances for the performance of the tasks specified in Clause 1 of this Article, completing and standardizing the process for implementation of administrative procedures in the formation and implementation of land-using investment projects, adhering to the following principles to apply to the utmost the one-stop-shop mechanism which allows investors to go to only one place and submit 1 set of dossier once and receive settlement results from different agencies and permit the concurrent implementation of different administrative procedures to shorten implementation time for investors.

This Resolution takes effect on the signing date.