Time limit for price registration of each item shall not exceed 6 months


On November 14, 2013, the Government issued Decree No. 177/2013/ND-CP on detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of the Law on Price, regulating that during the time the State applies the measures of price registration for price stabilization for specific items under stabilization list, organizations and individuals producing and trading goods and services in the list of price stabilization will register price by making price registration form to submit to competent authorities.

Accordingly, the general agent having the right to decide on the price and adjust the price shall register the wholesale price and retail price or estimated retail price. The registration of price for the items of edible salt, paddy and rice shall be done by the organization and individuals producing and trading the items of edible salt, paddy and rice  (excluding farmers and salt works). Where the organizations and individuals directly purchase edible salt from salt workers and paddy and rice from farmers, they must register the purchasing price of salt worker’s salt and farmers’ paddy and rice; the time limit for application of methods of price registration for price stabilization of each item shall not exceed 06 months.

Simultaneously, the Decree also regulates that organizations and individuals producing and trading goods and services subject to price declaration shall implement price declaration by sending the announcement of declared price to the competent State before evaluation and price adjustment at least 05 days in advance. Goods and services in the List of price stabilization; cement and constructional steel; coal, animal feed for cattle, poultry and aquatic animals; printing and writing paper; services price at sea ports; textbooks; functional food for children below 06 years of age; services of medical examination and treatment of human diseases at the private and state –run medical examination and treatment facilities…

This Decree takes effect on January 01,2014.

To download this Decree, please click the link:54904_177-2013-ND-CP

Source: www.luatvietnam.vn