Review factory lease contract and land lot and infrastructure lease contract


This is with regards to the conservation at our head office. We understand that you requested us to review factory lease contract and land lot and infrastructure lease contract to be signed by and between your company (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) and Local Lessors (hereinafter referred to as “Lessors”).

Scope of work, work schedule and professional fee quotation:

Regarding to Company’s request, SBLaw propose professional fee, scope of work and work schedule as follows:

Scope of work Work schedule

– To advise all legal aspect relating to the proposed transaction in line Vietnam Law;

– To review and revise the Contract in order to best protect right and interest of Company under Vietnam Law (if so required);

– To update and finalize the Lease Contract based on Company’s comments (two times)

Fee quotation

Our professional fee for scope of work as mentioned above shall be 1,000USD (One thousand US Dollar only). The fee is exclusive of 10% VAT.