Developing and upgrading the solution for the industry groups of competitive commodities

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On January 13, 2015, the Prime Minister signed the Decision No. 32/QD-TTg approving the synchronous development and upgrading solution for the industries, sectors and value chains of production of competitive commodities such as: electronics and information technology, textile and garment, food processing, agricultural machineries, tourism and related services.

This Program points out that in 2015, fulfilling the study and identification of potential areas, competitive commodities and appropriate models for industry groups serving pilot development of 5 industry groups in 5 areas: Electronics and IT, textile and garment, food processing, agricultural machineries, tourism and related services; fulfilling the review of development strategies and/or solutions for all industries/sectors and economic zones in order to define the orientation for investment attraction in line with the development of all industry groups. By 2020: Basically, 5 pilot industry groups are established in the defined potential areas; completed investment attraction mechanism and/or policy, improved corporate capability, connected and

developed human resources, science and technology for upgraded value chain and established industrial groups shall be in place.

With above objectives, the Program emphasizes on upgrading the value chain of production of competitive commodities related to electronics and IT, textile and garment, food processing, agricultural machineries, tourism and related services, developing the branches of competitive commodity production, tourism and related serviceswithin that, reviewing development strategies, solutions of various sectors/fields and local areas/territories, simultaneously popularizing the orientation for foreign investment attraction by sector/business field, local area/territory in line with the establishment and/or development of such industry groups; enhancing strategic investment promotion activities and setting forth appropriate stimulating, supporting policies to attract the companies to the sector establishment and development at potential areas…

This Decision takes effect on the signing date.
