To reduce the ratio of poor households by 1.5% to 2% by 2015


This is one of important points prescribed in Solution No. 53/2013/QH13 dated November 11, 2013 of the 13th National Assembly on socio- economic development plan in 2014

In the next two years 2014- 2015, the National Assembly asks the Government to focus on shortcomings and weaknesses; to stabilize and restructure the financial market; to improve the transparency of businesses, to basically settle bad debts of businesses, banks, and unfinished constructions; to allocate resources for social security and social welfare; to effectively implement national target programs; prefer investments in construction of new rural areas and poverty reduction… so that up to 2015, the ratio of trained workers reaches 55%; the number of poor households reduces by 1.5% – 2% per year; consumer price index increases by 7% per year; export turnover grows by 10% per year and unemployment rate in urban areas falls below 4%…

Simultaneously, it’s necessary to focus on resolving the difficulties to productions and business of companies and people; to enable companies, cooperatives, and households to take loans effectively; to keep restructuring debts, reducing interest on old debts; to balance the interests of credit institutions and companies, cooperatives and households; especially to regulate interest rates to control inflation; to control exchange rates and foreign currency market effectively to maintain the value of Vietnam’s currency. Keep public debts, government debts, national foreign debts within safety limits. Review technical standards related to electricity prices; publicize electricity prices; apply market prices to prices of electricity, medical services, and educational services in 2014; introduce policies on support for beneficiaries of preferential policies, workers and low earners…

This Resolution is passed by the 13th Constitution of Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the 6th meeting on November 11, 2013.

To download, please click this link: 54932_53-2013-QH13