Cosmetics import license in Vietnam


Question: I’d like to import cosmetics from Korean to Vietnam and to obtain the import license of cosmetics.

Could you provide me with detailed procedures with your service fees quotation per item (including government fees + your advisory service fees)?

One more question, some products we are planning to import are already registered in Vietnam by other retail companies.

Would it be easy for us to get it transferred to my company’s name or I had better obtain a new license under my company name?

Answer: I am Lawyer of SB Law. I was entrusted to provide you legal advice regarding to cosmetic import license.

Regarding to your question, please find our answers herein under:
– For obtaining cosmetic import license in Vietnam, you must have a company duly established and operating under Vietnam Law which have full function of importing cosmetic. Company established under foreign law or representative office of the foreign company in Vietnam can not register for obtaining cosmetic import license. In this case, if you want to obtain cosmetic import license under your name, you must have a subsidiary company in Vietnam.
– Cosmetic import license registered under name of a company shall be valid within 05 years from granting date. If other company wishes to register such cosmetic import license under their own name, it shall be required to obtain new cosmetic import license. Two or more companies can own cosmetic import license for one cosmetic products, except that, it is obvious that such cosmetic products are under the exclusive agency contract.
– It shall take you about 01 month from submitting necessary application dossier to MOH to complete obtainment of cosmetic import license.
– For preparing cosmetic import license, we shall need you to prepare following documents and information:
(i) 01 legalized copy of Certificate of Free Sale granted for the subjected cosmetic product.
(ii) 01 legalized copy of Power of Attorney issued by Cosmetic Product’s Manufacturer to authorize the company in Vietnam to obtain cosmetic import license.
(iii) 01 certified copy of Business License of the Vietnam Company who obtain the Cosmetic Import License.
(iv) Information about product name, brand name, list of ingredients and ratio of each ingredients.
For prudence, before submitting the application dossier for obtaining cosmetic import license, you should send us information of the ingredients and ratio thereof for checking.
– Our fee for obtaining cosmetic import license shall be 400USD/01 cosmetic product. The fee is exclusive of 10% VAT.