Takes effect on June 01, 2017, the Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 04, 2017 of the Government on good labels, prescribing that manufacturers and traders of goods in Vietnam; importers of goods must present good labels, exempt for real property; goods temporarily imported for re-export; goods temporarily imported for re-export after participation in fairs or exhibitions; goods in transit, goods involved in merchant trade transactions; transshipped goods; gifts, presents; baggage of incoming/outgoing passengers; personal belongings; confiscated goods for auction purpose; goods being fresh, raw food, processed food without packaging and sold directly to consumers…

Within that, the mandatory information shown on a label includes name of good; name and address of entity responsible for the good; origin of good. In particular, for food, the mandatory information includes  food quantity;  date of manufacture; expiry date; warnings (if any); liquor quantity; ethanol content; expiry date (if any); instructions for storage (for wines); warnings (if any); lot number (if any); for cigarettes, the mandatory information includes quantity; date of manufacture; warnings; expiry date; codes, bar codes….

If the good imported into Vietnam of which the label has not represented or represented insufficiently mandatory information in Vietnamese, a supplementary label containing mandatory information in Vietnamese is required and the original label shall remain unchanged. The Vietnamese content shall be consistent with the original label text. The supplementary label shall used for goods not eligible for import or to be returned and circulated in the domestic market, a bold phrase of “Made in Vietnam” shall be required.

Those labels and commercial containers attached to labels that have been produced or printed before June 01, 2017 shall keep being used to June 01, 2019.
