ABB is advised on the intellectual property by Lawyers of SBLAW

ABB is advised on the intellectual property by Lawyers of SBLAW
ABB is advised on the intellectual property by Lawyers of SBLAW

ABB is the multinational company, which has the headquarter in Zurich, Switzerland, operating in areas such as manufacturing robots, generators and transformers. According to ranking of Forbes’  magazine 2014, ABB ranks 143th  in the world about company’s scale.

ABB is one of the largest companies in the world. ABB has commercial presences in 100 countries including Vietnam. Besides, ABB has 145,000 employees in June 2012, and gained the revenue $ 40 billion in 2011.

ABB is the multinational corporation with business activities in Vietnam, ABB is concern about protection and enforcement of their intellectual property.

To be honor when SBLAW becomes one of providers of legal services on intellectual property for ABB in Vietnam, ensuring that creative ABB’s achievements will be protected by Vietnam Law

Along with consulting for the leading corporations such as IBM, ABB, HTC, SBLAW improves as one of the leading business consulting firm and intellectual property in Vietnam.