Activities of representative office of foreign Educational Institute in Vietnam


Under Vietnam Law, a Foreign Educational Institute having been operating in Foreign Country for at least 5 years upward, being recognized by competent authority in Foreign Country for its quality can setup a Representative Office in Vietnam.

Representative Office of a Foreign Educational Institute in Vietnam shall be allowed to conduct with following tasks:

a) Boosting the cooperation with Vietnamese educational institutions via promoting cooperation education programs and projects concerned by the Vietnamese party;

b) Organizing the consultation, information exchanges, seminars, and exhibition about education aiming to introduce the foreign educational institution;

c) Expediting and supervising the implementation of the agreements on education cooperation signed with Vietnam’s educational institutions.

We also would like to note that the Representative Office of Foreign Educational Institute must not engage with educational activities that directly generate profit in Vietnam.

According to Vietnam Law, within 30 working days from submission of application dossier to the competent authority, the Ministry of Education and Training shall grant License for establishment of Representative Office of Foreign Educational Institute.