Responsibilities of trade unions in state management and socio- economic management


According to the Decree No. 200/2013/ND-CP dated November 26, 2013 of the Government detailing Article 11 of the Law on Trade Unions on the rights and responsibilities of trade unions to participate in state management and socio-economic management. When sectors, localities and units, and policies formulate the socio-economic development programs or plans related to employees, agencies, organizations and enterprises shall be responsible for inviting trade unions at the same level to participate.

The management participation of trade unions in the same level is shown in three forms as: giving written opinions to agencies, organizations and enterprises about the rights and legitimate interests of employees; participating inmeetings, conferences and workshops on the rights and legitimate interests of employees held by agencies, organizations and enterprises; participating as members of committees or councils established by agencies, organizations and enterprises to settle matters related to the rights and legitimate interests of employees.

Agencies, organizations and enterprises shall coordinate with trade unions at the same level in formulating and organizing the implementation of work coordination regulations, and annually review and evaluate the work coordination activity of the involved parties and formulate the common working programs and plans.

This Decree takes effect on February 01, 2014

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