Combat the encroachment upon land around water sources protection corridors

Combat the encroachment upon land around water sources protection corridors

In accordance with the Decree No. 43/2015/ND-CP dated May 06, 2015 of the Government providing the establishment and management of water source protection corridors, a water source protection corridor shall be established to protect the bank stability and prevent and combat the encroachment upon land around water sources; prevent and combat activities threatening to pollute and degrade water sources and protect, conserve and develop the aquatic ecological system and natural animal and plant species adjacent to water sources;

Therefore, prohibited acts within water source protection corridors include acts that threaten to cause or cause the decrease of the function of water source protection corridors; cause river, stream, canal, ditch or reservoir bank slide, or seriously affect or threaten the stability and safety of rivers, streams, canals, ditches or reservoirs; encroaching upon, illegally using land within water source protection corridors; using land at variance with approved land use purposes; constructing or expanding contagious disease hospitals or clinics, cemeteries, waste dumping sites, toxic chemical factories, and production or processing facilities with hazardous wastewater.

The Decree also prescribed that for river, stream, canal or ditch protection corridors with the functions, the scope of water source protection corridor is not shorter than 10 m from the bank edge, for river, stream, canal or ditch sections running through urban centers or concentrated residential quarters or areas planned for construction of urban centers or concentrated residential quarters; not shorter than 5 m from the bank edge, for river, stream, canal or ditch sections not running through urban centers or concentrated residential quarters. For natural lagoons and water sources which are related to religious or belief activities, have high value in bio-diversity, culture conservation and natural eco-system protection and development, the scope of water source protection corridors must not be smaller than 30 m from the bank edge.

This Decree takes effect on July 01, 2015.
