Takes effect on March 01, 2017, the Decree No. 166/2016/ND-CP dated December 12, 2016 of the Government regulating on electronic transactions in social, health and unemployment insurance.

Any authorities, organizations and individuals that conduct electronic transactions in social insurance must hold a valid digital certificate granted by the provider of digital signature authentication services in accordance with regulations of laws. In case an individual conducts electronic transactions in social insurance when he/she does not have a digital certificate granted, he/she may use electronic transaction authentication number granted by the Vietnam Social Security (VSS); have ability to access to/ use the Internet network; have a stable email address which has been registered with the VSS.

On criteria for selecting information technology organization to enter into contract of providing I-VAN services, the Decree prescribes that technical equipment and facilities must ensure the provision of services to participants in electronic transactions in social insurance, and the safe connection with the portal of SSVA during 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, except for maintenance period. The maintenance period shall not exceed 2% of total service hours per year; services may be provided through computers, tablets or smart phones of users…The electronic transaction log must be stored for the period of no less than 10 years from the time on which that transaction is completed. Data on the stored electronic transaction log must be assessable during the storage period.
