Legal services on restoration of debts

Bank Law consultancy in Vietnam

In business activities, accruing of debts among companies occurs quite regularly. Nevertheless, companies can seek legal advice as to steps and directly solve restoration debts when there are bad debts.

Restoration debts services include:

– To research and review files, to determine legal basis for restoration of debts;

– To advice on the statue limitation for lawsuits;

– To investigate financial abilities (in possible cases), properties of creditors in order to determine ability of debt restoration;

– To represent clients in meeting and negotiation with debtors/creditors for liquidation of debts;

– To suggest alternative, supplementary solutions so as to restore, liquidate debts as well as discuss with selling, purchasing bodies;

– To draft request letters, new agreements such as agreements of using secured properties to liquidate debts upon client’s requests;

– To represent and accompany with clients in conducting procedure for lawsuits at courts and arbitration to restore debts;

– To represent and accompany with clients in conducting procedure for request to execution decisions at courts, arbitration and enforcing bodies.