Contractor Permit in Vietnam and setting up a Project Management Office

Contractor Permit in Vietnam and setting up a Project Management Office

This is with reference to the discussions with your good offices requesting our advice on the procedures for obtaining Contractor Permit in Vietnam, setting up a Project Management Office (hereinafter referred to as “PMO”) in Vietnam and obtaining work permit.


We understand that your Company is a company incorporated under the USA Law and is in the business of construction design cosultance.

Your company anticipates being one of the contractors for a project of commercial building, apartments, housing villa construction. The fundamental information of this project is as follows:

  • Values of construction contract of the project: 21.000.000 USD
  • Location of the project:, Long Bien District, Ha Noi.
  • Project areas: Lot Areas: 82.000m2;
  • Total floor ares: 50.000m2

Your company shall take part in contruction consultancy, building at the above project and shall establish PMO in Vietnam.

Therefore, Your company is willing to engage legal consultation regarding obtaining Contractor Permit in Vietnam, setting up PMO and obtaining Work Permit for Foreign Employees work in Vietnam.


In the premises of the above information provided by your company, we herein below propose our scope of work:

2.1. Phase 1: Providing our advice on all the necessary procedures and legal documents

2.1.1 Scope of work:

Firstly, we shall provide you with our advice letter titled “Legal Opinion” dealing with the following issues

  1. The Procedures for applying for Contractor Permit and setting up a Project Management Office in Vietnam and work permit.
  2. Implementation Plans shall be provided in detail
  3. Information about the required documents to obtain the Contractor Permit and setting up a Project Management Office in Vietnam and work permit.
  • The “Legal Opinion” , if necessary shall be clarified and explained in person by one of our professional lawyer by meeting your representative on 04 (four) working hours.

2.1.2. Timing:

“Legal Opinion” shall be completed within three (3) working days from the date of signing of the Consultancy Contract and further receiving all required documents and information from your company.

2.2. Phase 2: Assist your company to obtain the Contractor Permit

SBLaw shall assist your company, upon its selection as a sub-contractor or having entered into any contract with the General Contractor, with the process of obtaining the Contractor Permit.

2.2.1 Scope of services:

  • Assist your company to prepare the dossier including the application and required documents to obtain Contractor Permit, establishment of PMO and Work Permit for Foreign Employees work in Vietnam. Further SBLaw shall assist to translate and notarize all necessary documents received from your company after the same have been duly consular legalized.
  • File the application on behalf of your company for obtaining Contractor Permit with the concerned authority in accordance with the laws of Vietnam
  • Assist your company to file additional documents and expalantion, if any required by the authorities
  • Collect the Contractor Permit, Registration of PMO and Work Permit for Foreign Employees work in Vietnam granted by the authority on behalf of your company under valid authorization.

2.2.2 Sevice Fees

  • The service fees for Contractor Permit and Registration of PMO shall be: 3,000USD (In word: Three thousand US Dollar).
  • The service fees for work permit shall be: 450USD/01 work permit (In word: Four hundred and fifty US Dollar)


The Fees shall not include 10% VAT, the costs and fees submitted to the competent authority in Vietnam; actual communication fee; translation fee USD 9/01 page (each page must not exceed 300 words); traveling and accommodation expenses in case of working out Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City ….).