Decree 28/2015/NĐ-CP of government on 12/03/2015  on the detailed rules for implementation of some articles of the Law on Employment of unemployment insurance

Law Employment of unemployment insurance

According to Decree No. 28/2015 / ND-CP of the Government dated 12/03/2015 detailing the implementation of some articles of the Law on Employment of unemployment insurance (BHTN), the employer shall make and submit the dossier for participating unemployment insurance for employees within 30 days from effective date of labor contract or employment contract.
In case the employee signed the seasonal labor contract or labor contract for a certain work has duration from 03 months to less than 12 months before January 01, 2015, is now performing the labor contract, the employer shall participate in unemployment insurance for these employees if the contract has its time limit at least 03 months.

For employees entitled to maternity or sick leaving with 14 days or more, just enjoy social insurance benefits and not paid by monthly salary, is now postponing from implementation of the labor contract, shall not participate in unemployment during this holiday.

On the funding of training, retraining, improve job skills to maintain employment for workers, decree, the maximum support is 01 million / person / month; based on actual learning time but not more than 06 months.

For supported, the employer must pay full unemployment insurance for 12 consecutive months; difficulty due to economic slowdown or due to force majeure or to change the structure of production technology, business and result in risk to cut the number of employees is 30% or 50 employees or more (cases of using from 300 employees or less) and from 100 employees or more case of using more than 300 employees, not including workers signed contract under 03 months.