Establish a Company Branch in Hanoi.


It is our understanding that your Company is in need of consulting and supporting for procedures of branch opening in Hanoi for business and initial tax declaration for branch, SBLaw has sufficient capacity to provide to your Company the consulting services and support as above.

I.      Scope of works

1.       Procedures and timing for branch establishment

SBLaw is willing to provide to you the  branch establishment services as follows:

–        To review the content and form of the branch establishment dossier that drafted by your Company to ensure the legality and compliance with procedures at Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment. Duration for reviewing the dossier is 01 working days after receiving full documents from your Company.

–        On behalf of your company to conduct all necessary legal procedures in Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment until your comapany receive the Certificate of branch operation, seal and Certificate of seal specimen of branch.

–        Duration for completion of procedures relating to the establishment of branch is 13 working days from the date of filing the valid dossier at authority (This duration includes time limit for obtaining certificate of branch operations, received the seal and seal specimen of the branch).

2.     Procedures for initial tax declaration of branch at Tax Department in Hanoi

–        To review the tax declaration dossiers that your company has drafted. Duration for reviewing the dossier is 01 working days after receiving full documents from your Company.

–        On behalf of your company to declare tax, payment of excise, registration of chief accountant and accounting system for branch at Tax Department where placing the headquarters of the branch in Hanoi.

–        To receive papers and confirmation documents regarding the completion of the initial tax declaration procedures for branch.

–        Duration for complete the procedure is 07 working days from the date of filling the full dossier to the Tax Department.


1.      To perform the procedures of branch establishment, your Company please give SBLaw the following documents:

–         03 sets of the dossier of branch establishment in Hanoi;

–          01 authenticated copies of ID card (or passport) of the head of the branch;

–          02 authenticated copies Certificate of Business Registration.

–          02 letters of introduction of the company to introduce staff (staff of S&B Law) to work in State Agencies.

2.       To implement the  supporting procedures of initial tax declaration for the branch at Tax Department in Hanoi, your company please give S&B Law:

–       03 sets of initial tax declaration dossiers;

–       01  authenticated copy Certificate of Business Registration;

–        Authenticated copy of the Certificate of branch operation (01);

–        Authenticated copies of ID card (or passport) of the head of the branch, chief accountant, the accountants (01 copy per person);

–        02 letters of introduction of the company to introduce staff (staff of S&B Law) to work in State Agencies.
Please contact for more information.