Cases not asisigned as management officers of banking


On January 06, 2014, the State Bank of Vietnam issued the Circular No. 01/2014/TT-NHNN prescribing the delivery and receipt, preservation and transportation of cash, precious assets and valuable papers.

Within that, Wife or husband, father, mother, natural children, adopted children, brothers and sisters (including brothers and sisters of wife or husband) of the Manager, Deputy Manager shall not be appointed for positions of cashier, vault keepers.

Persons who are wife and husband; father, mother, natural children, adopted children; brothers and sisters shall not be appointed for jointly holding the keys of the vault’s doors, jointly participating in the inventory, counting of cash, precious assets, valuable papers or jointly working in the same vehicle or group of vehicles that transport cash, precious assets and valuable papers.

Besides, the Circulars also prescribes in details the vault and the transaction counter. Accordingly,  persons who have duties to enter into the cash transaction counter or the vault must wear labor safety clothes or transaction uniform with no pockets. Persons who have no duties shall be not permitted to enter into the transaction counter or the vault. The transaction counter and the vault must have regulations provided for by the Director. When the working hours end, it is required to lock the transaction counter and doors under the vault zone; beside the guard force, the staff on duties controlling safety equipments of the vault who have been assigned (if any), no one is permitted to stay alone at working place in the head office which is also the vault. If there is requirement of working overtime, there must be at least 2 people who are permitted in writing by the Director and the guardians must be informed.

Twice per year, at 0 o’clock  of January 01 and 0 o’clock of  July 01, Inventory Council shall carry out the comprehensive examination of the security work for the vault and the general inventory of cash, precious assets, valuable papers. The inventory of the Issuing Reserve Fund and other assets which are preserved in vault shall be performed on monthly basis, at 0 o’clock on the first day every month. Moreover, inventory cash in the cash Funds of credit institutions or branches of foreign banks, the Fund for issuance of the Transaction Service, branches of the State Bank, valuable papers, other precious assets at the end of daily working hours.

This Circular takes effect on February 20, 2014.
