Incentives for water conservation activities

Incentives for water conservation activities

On June 08, 2015, the Government issued the Decree No. 54/2015/ND-CP providing incentives for water conservation activities, accordingly, water conservation means the application of measures and technologies to recirculate or reuse water, collect rainwater and turn brackish water and saline water into freshwater for use, or to reduce the water volume used for production, business and residential activities.

The Decree prescribes that incentives for manufacture and import of water conservation products, equipment and technologies shall be for those who manufacture water conservation products, equipment and technologies and they will be eligible for soft loans in accordance with the law on the State’s investment credit; enterprise income tax exemption or reduction for the income earned from manufacture of water conservation products, equipment and technologies in accordance with the law on taxes. Organizations’ building new work items or renovating and upgrading existing ones so as to collect and treat wastewater up to national technical regulations on water quality relevant to the reuse purposes with a capacity of at least 40 m3/day, and using at least 80% of the volume of treated wastewater for their activities and organizations’ building new water recirculation works or renovating, upgrading or making in-depth investment in, existing ones for their activities with a capacity of at least 500 m3/day, excluding recirculating cooling systems and other wate recirculation systems belonging to production processes and technologies are eligible for incentives.

At the same time manufacture and import of water conservation products, equipment and technologies such as organizations’ and individuals’ manufacturing water conservation products, equipment and technologies meeting water conservation criteria issued by competent state agencies and organizations’ and individuals’ importing domestically unavailable advanced water conservation products, equipment and technologies meeting water conservation criteria issued by competent state agencies.

Incentives are also applied to the organizations’, households’ and individuals’ applying water-conserving irrigation technologies and measures in agricultural production, meeting water conservation criteria issued by competent state agencies, with a scale of at least 0.5 hectare, for wet rice, or at least 1 hectare, for upland crops. Organizations’ building rainwater collection and storage systems with a capacity of at least 500 m3 to serve residential activities in border areas, islands and areas facing freshwater scarcity; or households’ and individuals’ building rainwater collection and storage systems with a capacity of at least 5 m3 to serve residential activities in mountainous, ethnic minority and border areas, islands and areas with socio-economic difficulties or particularly socio-economic difficulties or areas facing freshwater scarcity.

This Decree takes effect on August 01, 2015.
