International bidding for thermal power plant project with more than two bot investors

International bidding

On July 13, 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued the Circular No. 23/2015/TT-BCT promulgating on orders, procedures of investment on the thermal power plant project in the form of Build – Operate – Transfer and takes effect on September 01, 2015.

In accordance with the regulations in this Circular, Projects under the list of National Power Development Plan regulated by the Prime Minister shall be applied for international bidding; projects under the list of National Power Development Plan that investors are unidentified, having two BOT investors or over register shall be decided by the Prime Minister on forms of selecting BOT investors shall join in the international bidding.

Projects under the list of National Power Development Plan that the Prime Minister shall appoint BOT investors; Projects under the list of National Power Development Plan that has one BOT investor register and be approved by the Prime Minister on appointing BOT investors and Projects proposed by BOT investors and not under the list of National Power Development Plan and approved by the Prime Minister shall be appointed the investors without joining the international bidding.

Within 30 days since the receipt of investment registration certificate of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, BOT investors shall set up BOT enterprises and complete contents that need supplementing as mentioned in the investment registration certificate to sign officially project’s documents.

On reporting regime, In the process of building the plant, BOT enterprise shall report monthly to the General Department of Energy and other relevant management agencies on the 5th, contents of the report include the progress of the work that has been done till the time of reporting; existing issues and proposals, recommendations (if any) and the plan of the next month….