Issuing 11 primary key indicators of health sector


On February 14, 2014, the Ministry of Health issued the Circular No. 06/2014/TT-BYT on the List of primary key indicators of health sector.

Inluding 88 indicators in 11 groups: Finance for health care; Health workforce; Medical facilities; Intelligence system; System administration; Use of medical services; Quality and safety of medical services; Coverage and impacts of interventions; Behaviors and risk factors; Health condition and Non-communicable diseases and injuries.

Within that, the important indicators such as Number of health workers per 10,000 people; Proportion of population that have health insurance; Proportion of patients satisfied with medical services;

Proportion of children under 1 year of age that are given adequate inoculation; Proportion of smokers; Neonatal mortality rate per 1,000 live births; Maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births; Number of new cancer patents per 100,000 people and so on.

Together with the issuance of the List of primary key indicators of health sector, Services of Health shall collect data locally to serve the production of key health statistics.

This Circular takes effect on March 15, 2014 and annuls the Decision No. 40/2006/QD-BYT dated December 25, 2006