Credit institution must have advances from vamc for the bad debts

In accordance with the Circular No. 20/2014/TT-NHNN dated August 12, 2014 of the State Bank of Vietnam on receipts and advances from Vietnam Asset Management Company (VAMC) for the bad debts bought by special bonds[...]

From October 15, transfer the permit for foreign exchange transactions

The State Bank of Vietnam issued the Circular No. 21/2014/TT-NHNN dated August 14, 2014 guiding the foreign exchange transactions, conditions, process and procedures for accepting the foreign exchange transactions of credit institutions and branches of foreign banks[...]

Foreign loans over 10 million usd are subject to registration with the state bank

On September 15, 2014, the State Bank of Vietnam issued the Circular No. 25/2014/TT-NHNN guiding the procedure on registering and registering for changes of foreign loan of businesses not guaranteed by the Government[...]

Bank must agree with VDB before enterprises borrowing capital

On October 09, 2014, the State Bank of Vietnam issued the Circular No. 29/2014/TT-NHNN dated guiding commercial banks to coordinate with Vietnam Development Bank in the implementation of guarantee mechanism for small- and medium-sized enterprises borrowing capital as stipulated under the guarantee regulation promulgated together with the Decision No. 03/2011/QD-TTg dated January 10, 2011 of the Prime Minister.[...]

Exempting the import tax for 5 year for medical equipments

This is the content prescribed at the Decision No. 54/2014/QD-TTg dated September 19, 2014 of the Prime Minister on exempting the import tax for devices for manufacturing and assembling the medical equipments with high priority.[...]

Extension of VAT payment for imported machines with the worthfrom VND 100 billion

This is the content prescribed at the Circular No. 134/2014/TT-BTC dated September 12, 2014 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the procedure for extension of VAT payment and refund for import machines and equipments for investment project’s fix assets.[...]

Employees may file petitions for initiation of bankrupttcy procedures when enterprises fall to pay salaries within 3 months

On June 19, 2014, the National Assembly passed the Law No. 51/2014/QH13 on Bankruptcy with a number of new and important contents.[...]

Fine forgiveness for late payment of tax incurred of businesses having objective difficulties

Businesses having objective difficulties and having paid the original tax debt prior to December 31, 2014 shall be forgiven of fine for late payment of tax incurred prior to July 01, 2013 is the plan of the Government at the Resolution No. 63/NQ-CP dated August 25, 2014 [...]

Shipmaster’s and chief engineer’s certificates of competency are valid for 5 year

The Law No. 48/2014/QH13 Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Inland Waterway Navigation was passed on June 17, 2014, by the XIIIth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 7th session.[...]

Must having payment of deposits for scraps import

This is the content of the Law No.55/2014/QH13 on Environmental Protection passed by the National Assembly on June 23, 2014.[...]