Employee working Household

Employee working in household

Articles 179 to 183 of the Vietnam Labor Code deals with the provisions related to employees working in the household[...]
Setting up a foreign invested company

Setting Up HR Company in Vietnam

Client: I run a company that provides two service lines (one recruitment and one that is talent advisory / consulting). Would there be any restriction on setting up a rep office for the talent advisory part of our business? If it is possible to do so it would be great...

Should the company still have to pay salary for lockdown period?

Question: We want to ask 2 case: 1 – The company has to cease the working due to lockdown because of Covid 2 – The employee can not come to work due to they have to be lockdown Should the company still have to pay salary for lockdown period? Answer: We would like...

Registration of imported cosmetics Service

We understand that you are looking for a professional law firm to support the registration of imported cosmetics. Therefore, we are grateful to set our legal services proposal for your review and consideration. Scope of works and Performance Time 1.1. Scope of works Description of work Preparation of the application documents: ·                   Notifying...
The Receivable Benefit of employee when he/she resigns under Vietnam Labor Code

The Receivable Benefit of employee when he/she resigns under Vietnam Labor  Code

SBLAW would like to provide some legal information on receivable benefits of employee when he/she resigns under the Labor Law of Vietnam as below: 1.SPECIFIC RECEIVABLE BENEFIT OF EMPLOYEE WHEN HE/SHE RESIGNS. 1.1.Benefits that employee shall be entitled when he or she resigns from the office We understand that one your...

Labor regulation and employee benefit under Vietnam Law

SBLAW would like to brief on labor regulation and employee benefit under Vietnam Law as follows: Labor Contract Labor Contract shall be entered with the Employee directly, unless the employee is from 15-18 years old. Labor contract for a period more than 3 months, must be executed in writing...