Multi Model Transportation Service in Vietnam

Multi Model Transportation Service in Vietnam

Vietnam Government classifies Multi Model Transportation Service into two forms:

– Internal Multi Model Transportation Service

– International Multi Model Transportation Service

Under the Decree No. 87/2009/ND-CP of the Government, for providing International or Internal Multi Model Transportation Service, the Enterprise must satisfy following conditions:

– Having assets or capital equal to 80,000SDR. It also noted that, for providing Multi-Model Transportation Services, the Enterprise must also satisfy conditions applicable to each model of transportation.

If so, having assets or capital equal to 80,000SDR, you can not involve with International Maritime Transportation (Minimum Capital for International Maritime Transportation is about 930,000USD or 668,083SDR as regulated by the Decree No. 30/2014/ND-CP). Thus, this requirement is almost changed now.

– Having registered the business line of International Multi-Model Transportation Services/Internal Multi-Model Transportation Services.

– Having Sub-License for International Multi-Model Transportation Services/Internal Multi-Model Transportation Services.

The problem here is that under Vietnam-WTO commitments, Vietnam does not undertake to open for Multi Model Transportation Services. Furthermore, for other transportation model, Wholly Foreign Owned Company is not allowed.