Q&A on setting up company in Vietnam.

setting up company in Vietnam.

Question: First of all: import-export company and producing company – is it possible for both of these functions – to be combined in one enterprise? Or should we establish two different enterprises with divided functions?

Answen: You can setup 01 company with multiple functions including manufacturing and import, export;

Question: Can you please advise us where is it better for foreigner to establish an enterprise? Can we register company in one city and fulfill business activity in another city (for example – register in Nha Trang and work in Hanoi?)

Answen: In this case, you can only register the Company in the City where you intend to locate your factory. For example, you intend to locate your factory in Hanoi, you have to register the company in Hanoi.

Question: Is it true that every province in Viet Nam has its own laws and Nha Trang is more comfortable for foreigners business activity with more friendly laws? How is about lands for rent around Nha trang? Is it possible to find land there?
Answen: No. There is an unique law system applicable to national wide of Vietnam. The difference between city is only the way that competent authority working with foreign investor. For example, in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, competent authority seems more opened with foreign investors. Meanwhile, in other cities or province, they may be quite cautious.

Question: The sam questions about Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi – which city is more suitable for foreign business?
Answen: We prefer Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City

Question:  Can you advise anything about the proper quantity of workers suitable for enterprise establishment? Should it be Vietnamese workers or foreign workers – does it makes any differences?

Answen: The quantity of employee shall very much depend on scope of the manufacture. Vietnam. Authority encourages enterprise employing many laborers. If you employ foreign employee, you have to obtain work permit for such foreign employee and you must obtain approval for plan of employment of foreign employee.

Question: Is it nessesary – the personal presence of the company owner in VietNam ? At wat stage of rgistration process?

Answen: The Representative of Company Owner shall need to appear in Vietnam for to inspect the land lot and signing the in-principal contract on land lease. Then, after finishing the licensing process, he/she need to be in Vietnam for obtaining Seal Sample and opening Bank Account.

Question: What documents must we provide for company establishment?

Answen: We shall need following documents:

– 02 Legalized copies of Business License; Articles and Memorandum of Association and Financial Statement for 01 most recent fiscal year of the Parent Company in Russia. In case the Company in Vietnam is registered under the name of an individual, we shall need 02 Legalized copies of his/her Passport.

– 02 Legalized copies of Bank Account Statement of Company Owner;

– 02 Legalized copies/notarized copies of person appointed as Director or General Manager of the Company in Vietnam.

– Certified copies of documents proving that the Landlords agree to lease out the Land Lot to the Company upon establishment and the Landlord has competent to do such work.