Recall discarded cell phone from july,2016

Recall discarded cell phone from july,2016

In accordance with the Decision No. 16/2015/QD-TTg dated May 22, 2015 of the Prime Minister on regulations on recall and treatment of discarded products, from July 01, 2016, accumulators of all types, batteries of all types, compact light; fluorescent light, desktop or laptop; computer monitor; CPU (micro processor), printer; fax machine; scanner, photo camera; movie camera, cell phone; tablet computer, DVD, VCD, CD recorder and other tape or disc player, photocopier, television; refrigerator…which are out of date shall be formally recalled. Particular, discarded motorcycles, motorbikes of all kinds, automobiles of all kinds shall be recalled and treated from January 01, 2018.

In particular, the manufacturers shall be responsible for managing collection of discarded products sold out to Vietnam’s market; establishing points or system of points of recall, besides, points of recall must conform to technical regulations on environment which govern collection, storage and transportation of discarded products; the manufacturers also takes responsibility to accept their own discarded products; encourage receipt of discarded products of the same type as theirs sold out to the market, regardless of trademarks or manufacturers; receive their discarded products in the market recalled by other manufacturers for the purpose of treatment as requested; report to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment on points of recall outside of distribution facilities and the precincts of manufacturing establishments and publicly communicate information about the list of points of discarded product recall and treatment; result of discarded product recall and treatment through the website of Vietnam Environment Administration and their own website (if available).

Besides, If manufacturers decide to recall and treat discarded products at their own expense, they will be given supportive and preferential policies in accordance with legal regulations. They also have access to partnership with other manufacturer in order to recall and treat discarded products with different trademarks but same types; appoint manufacturers’ association of which they are member to act on their behalf to recall and treat their discarded products; recall of discarded products with different trademarks but same types shall make up the recall efficiency of such manufacturer and request other manufacturers to take their discarded products in the market back for treatment after being recalled by the requesting manufacturer.

This Decision takes effect on July 15, 2015 and replaces the Decision No. 50/2013/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister dated August 9, 2013.