Regulations for rank-promoted terms


This is the new content prescribed at the Law No. 72/2014/QH14 Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People’s Army passed by the National Assembly on November 27, 2014.

In particular, The durations for rank promotion from Colonel to Major General or Rear Naval Admiral; Major General or Rear Naval Admiral to Lieutenant General or Deputy Naval Admiral; Lieutenant General or Deputy Naval Admiral to Senior Lieutenant General or Admiral; Senior Lieutenant General or Admiral to General is at least 4 years.

Besides, the Law also supplements the new regulations that The salary and allowance regimes are prescribed by
the Government; the salary scales of officers are calculated according to their positions, titles and ranks, suitable to the nature and tasks of the Army as a special labor domain; the seniority allowances are calculated according to their current salary levels and in-service duration. Officers enjoy allowances and subsidies like cadres and civil servants with the same working conditions and allowances and subsidies of particular military nature; to enjoy housing allowance; to enjoy the social-housing support policy, to be provided with official-duty houses.

This Law takes effect on July 01, 2015.

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