Not required to be implement the inspection conclusions pending instructions

Not required to be implement the inspection conclusions pending instructions

On March 27, 2014, the Government issued the Decree No. 33/2015/ND-CP prescribing the implementation of inspection conclusions, within that, the inspection conclusions shall be strictly abided by inspected subjects and related agencies, organizations and individuals, the implementation of inspection conclusions shall be supervised, urged and examined by competent state agencies and persons. Particularly, contents being currently re-inspected or those of inspection conclusions pending instructions for handling from competent persons are not required to be implemented yet.

Within 15 days after receiving the inspection conclusion, the head of the state management agency of the same level with the inspection conclusion issuing agency shall promulgate a document guiding the implementation of the inspection conclusion in the case that the inspection conclusion has contents requiring directions for implementation; the inspection conclusion has contents involving foreign elements; propositions in the inspection conclusion conform with law but are lawfully unenforceable; the inspection conclusion for which the head of the state management agency of the same level with the inspection conclusion issuing agency needs guiding documents for implementation.

On administrative and economic violations, the Decree also points out clearly that within 15 days after receiving the inspection conclusion, the head of the state management agency of the same level with the inspection conclusion issuing agency shall request agencies, organizations and individuals under his/her management to suspend or terminate violations, recover money, land use rights and other assets which are illegally appropriated or used or lost due to law violations; within his/her competence, carry out administrative violation sanctioning procedures; decide to recover money, land use rights and other assets which are illegally appropriated or used or lost due to law violations; take measures to remedy law violations in state management fields…

The Decree takes effect on May 15, 2015.
