Small and medium-sized enterprises are entitled to get loans from the national fund of employments.


On November 16, 2013, the National Assembly approved the Law on Employment No. 38/2013/QH13 provides for supporting policies in employment creation; information on labor market; assessment and issuance of national vocational skill certificates; organization and operation of employment services; unemployment insurance and state management on employment.

Within that, this Law point out that small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative groups, household businesses and employees are  entitled to get loans from the National Fund of employments. Particularly, small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative groups or household businesses using many employees who are disable people or ethnic minority people and ethnic minority people living in areas with extremely difficult social-economic conditions or disable people shall be entitled to get loans from the National fund of employments with lower interest rates.

In order to be entitled to get loans from the National fund of employments, the small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative groups, household businesses must have projects with feasible loans at the localities, being appropriated to sectors or professions of production or business, attracting additional employees to come and work regularly; and the loan-borrowing projects must be certified by competent state agencies or organization where such projects are located; having guarantees for such loans. Additionally, employees are  entitled to get loans when having capacity of civil acts in full; having demand in getting loans for self-employment creation or attracting additional employees and being confirmed by competent state agencies or organizations where such projects are located and living legally at localities where projects are located.

Besides, small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative groups and household businesses shall be supported by the State in developments of production, business and extend of local employments for employees in rural areas through supporting in providing information on market for product sale; and being exempt from or reduced of taxes in accordance with legal provisions on taxes. Employees in rural areas having vocational training less than 03 months or having primary-level vocational training at vocational training establishments being supported with Apprenticeship fees according to provisions of the Prime Minister.

This Law takes effect on January 01, 2015.

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